Managing Inheritance Issues With Estate at Ease

If you’ve been named the executor of an estate, you know that the role entails a tremendous amount of responsibility.

You feel an obligation to your loved one, to handle all affairs in accordance with both the letter and spirit of his or her wishes. And you also realize that you have a weighty obligation to others — including heirs mentioned in a will or trust document.

The government will also remind you that you have an additional obligation; one that involves stacks of documents to demonstrate your compliance with a variety of relevant laws.

If there is no legal trust, your responsibility will likely include probate, a lengthy, protracted and costly process. If there is a trust, there are related duties to ensure assets are identified and divided appropriately.

In cases such as this, you may find yourself wishing you had an experienced advisor guiding you through the process. An attorney would be prohibitively expensive, and winging it is just not an option. After all, executors are liable for their decisions. They can be, and often are, sued by heirs and other parties.

Fortunately, Canada Life has created a program that offers solid, up-to-date guidance for executors and others involved in the process of probate, trust management and other aspects of inheritance.

Nathan Garries is proud to offer this new program to clients. It’s known as Estate at Ease, and it provides not just the advice you want, but every single document you will need. The process begins with a friendly, half-hour phone call with a Canada Life representative, who will review your situation, collect information and provide practical solutions to the tasks that have been entrusted to you.

The review includes:

  • Government letters, applications and notifications
  • Memberships and licenses
  • Pensions, benefits and life insurance policies
  • Loyalty programs and subscriptions
  • Dormant bank account search
  • Charities
  • Health professionals
  • Internet, phone and cable
  • Utilities
  • Property taxes
Based on this discussion, Canada Life prepares all the paperwork you will need, and sends it to you for your signature. You sign and return in a pre-paid envelope. The process not only saves time, energy and expense, it also gives you peace of mind. Extra benefits, such as identity theft protection to shield the estate, add to your feeling of confidence and relief. The process also ensures that you will maximize any benefits that may be due the estate.

The entire process takes less than two weeks. Beyond the initial service, you also receive a full year of guidance. Estate at Ease provides the help you need when you need it, allowing you to focus on all of the wonderful memories of your loved one, rather than the pressures of managing the estate.